Monday, May 29, 2006

Gospel Power or People Power?

I’m glad that there are Christians and Christian organizations that are prepared to make their voices heard in the public arena, organizations such as the ‘The Christian Institute’, who involve themselves in the public debate on issues such as euthanasia, the erosion of marriage and family life, doing battle and challenging the gross misrepresentation of so much of biblical Christianity in the popular media. While I take comfort in such a work, I cannot help but feel a growing sense of unease that some well meaning folk are being distracted into thinking that we can somehow bring about the rebirth of a ‘Christian Britain’ (if such a place ever really existed?) through the power of vociferous protest, or even by some form of political pressure.

In John 18:36 Jesus says to Pontius Pilate, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm."

The great commission states:"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”. Mark 16:15

What then is our true agenda in the light of these words? I feel as angry and as distressed as any other believer at the growing tide of vile mockery against the Christian faith, I have no doubt that for these things men will have to give an answer, in that great and terrible day when the cynical smirk will finally be wiped off the face of the unrighteous forever.

If the darkness of a post ‘Christian society’ grows around us, surely it is the light of the Gospel that needs to be held up and appreciated even more?, Is it not Jesus and his cross that will draw men to him (John 12:32 "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.") Society is changed when people are changed, wasn’t it Stanley Baldwin who said “You can take the man out of the slum but can you take the slum out of the man?”

I reiterate I appreciate the work of those who raise their voices against the derision of a hostile mocking coliseum. I realise that God has not abandoned a fallen world to chaos, He has appointed governments and authorities, given to them the power of the sword and if Christians are part of that machinery so be it we trust that they will do their duty before God and men faithfully and righteously. History carries with honour the names of great men of God who executed with distinction duty to both God and to man, men like Wilberforce.

Let us not forget why we are here, if we lose sight of the life changing power of the Gospel and exchange it instead for a good cause! Wouldn’t that in the end prove to be a terrible folly and a master stroke of genius for the enemy?

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Welcome. If in the unlikely event I should ever have anything remotely intelligent, to say I'll put it here!